One Crazy Fiber Lady

Monday, November 15, 2004

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Busy weekends

Life with 13 month of twins is never dull. This weekend was one of those LONG weekends that doesn't seem to end, but then ends all too fast. Saturday wasn't bad, they both took both morning and afternoon naps, each 2 hours. Wonderful. After lunch we did make it out of the house for a trip to Majestic Yarns where I bought 7 more skeins of Lamb's Pride worsted for booga bags for the nice teachers. The Lamb's Pride is a bit more economical than the Noro and I just couldn't afford Noro for 4 teachers. I got a combination of bright colors and each bag will be 2 colors. The 8th skein is the leftover yellow skein I bought for my scarf and didn't even touch. Needless to say, I didn't make it through the evening with NO projects on the needles. I went off to Atypically Knit and bought the Hermione Hat pattern, grabbed my remaining skein of burgundy Lamb's Pride and started it.

Hermione Hat - in progress

Saturday night, I was able to get to the end of the ribbing an started the exciting portion while I tried to get a lot of adware and spyware off my computer. I got a lot of knitting done while I waited for Norton to do a full system scan on my 80 GIG hard drive. I still have something nasty living on my machine as everytime I open IE, I get a popup advertising window. I'll have to give ad-ware another go around. It is better and I found lots of nasties hanging around, including a trojan horse and a key recorder.

Geek stuff aside, I also started the first of the booga bags this morning on the train. I have two more rows to do and the bottom will be done. I'm trying to decide the color patterning on it. For this bag, I'm using a navy blue and rose colored yarns. The bottom is in blue and I figured I'd start the sides with it. At some point, I'll switch to the rose and do the i-cord in the rose as well. I'm considering a few transitional stripes in the middle, possibly the fibonacci sequence. I'll figure it out as I go.

Saturday morning, during the twins nap, I finally opened the box from Mr. Womack with my Woolee Winder in it. WHOOPEE! Bummer man, the darn thing needs to have a bearing epoxied to one end and then sit overnight. Major bummer. No playing with it. I did get it measured, glued and setting during naptime and then tried to forget about it. Sunday I was able to spin in the morning while the twins played! No more having to spin during sleepingtime. I put the spinner up on top of the computer (which Mr. Alex has discovered how to turn on/off - big old piece of cardboard now blocking the button), sat in my desk chair and spun uninterrupted for 30 minutes! I did a fine singles of the remainder of the llama/romney I got from Julie. Here's a picture of the spinner with the WW:

Womack spinner with Woolee Winder

What a great invention that WW is. I didn't have to stop spinning for a second and was able to get a super even single with consistent twist and only had to stop when I ran out of fiber. Amazing. Contrast the even winding on the bobbin with the plied version of the same fiber on my Lendrum Saxony:

Uneven bobbin winding

Notice how uneven it is wound on? Generally I do a more even job, but not so much while plying. I do a less even job when I discover that I don't have to cram a considerable amount of yarn on the bobbin and can afford to waste the space, as is the case above. I spun those singles on the Journey Wheel, filling both of its bobbins and plied on the much larger Lendrum Saxony bobbins. The joy of having multiple wheels. I'll now let the singles sit for a little bit on the Womack and ply with itself.


Blogger Minxxy said...

Thanks for answering my query about the wool you spin. I have no idea what I am looking for or quantaties. All I know is I would love to try some knitting using a yarn that someone has lovingly spun as I have never done it before! The thought of spinning also thrills me, I cannot think of anything more satsifying than being able to create exactly what you want. Bliss!!
If you have any for sale please drop me an e mail regarding colour and quantities you have for sale , postage to Scotland etc etc
Thanks again for your time
e mail

November 15, 2004 at 6:27 PM  

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